I can hardly believe that this past week I finished 'Makim' (commanders' course) and that as of yesterday, following the closing ceremeony in Dimona, I am officially qualified as a combat class commander in the IDF. Not only has the course itself flown by, but I also am starting to apprehend the incredible journey I have taken; from nervous little boy to now a commander in the tzanchanim.
This past fortnight in makim involved the concluding tests and exercises of the course, with the last week of the course being made up of usual end of army things, like barbeques, cleaning the pluga, giving back all our equipment and, of course, the ceremony, which was on thursday. So after returning from being home two weeks ago, we closed the weekend (pointlessly) and then from the start of the week we undertook the multifaceted 'bohen sof' (final exams) of the course.vIt was obviously quite a pressured couple of days as the 'bohen sof' is a culmination of everything we have learnt and been trained for over the last three months. The 'bohen sof' was made up of four parts; a written exam, a practical exam (on all the weapons), a final navigation and a fitness test. I did fairly well in all these parts, which gave me a good score, in fact the second best in my mahlaka. This score, in addition to my score from the midway test, all went toward my final grade from the whole course itself. Apart from the two big tests, the final grade is made up mostly of assessments from commanders in 'makim', who had been constantly judging my commanding ability throughout the course, my discipline and my general personality in the three months I was there. Along with the other exercises we did during the course (navigating, fitness, shotting and a lot more), it all comes together for one big final grade, which becomes your score from 'makim'. My final score is 87 (out of 100), which is actually a really good score and was in the top third of my mahlaka. Obviously for me this is extremely commendable considering all the difficulties I had with the language, but 87 is pretty admirable for any soldier regardless. This score I now take back with me to the battalion...
This past fortnight in makim involved the concluding tests and exercises of the course, with the last week of the course being made up of usual end of army things, like barbeques, cleaning the pluga, giving back all our equipment and, of course, the ceremony, which was on thursday. So after returning from being home two weeks ago, we closed the weekend (pointlessly) and then from the start of the week we undertook the multifaceted 'bohen sof' (final exams) of the course.vIt was obviously quite a pressured couple of days as the 'bohen sof' is a culmination of everything we have learnt and been trained for over the last three months. The 'bohen sof' was made up of four parts; a written exam, a practical exam (on all the weapons), a final navigation and a fitness test. I did fairly well in all these parts, which gave me a good score, in fact the second best in my mahlaka. This score, in addition to my score from the midway test, all went toward my final grade from the whole course itself. Apart from the two big tests, the final grade is made up mostly of assessments from commanders in 'makim', who had been constantly judging my commanding ability throughout the course, my discipline and my general personality in the three months I was there. Along with the other exercises we did during the course (navigating, fitness, shotting and a lot more), it all comes together for one big final grade, which becomes your score from 'makim'. My final score is 87 (out of 100), which is actually a really good score and was in the top third of my mahlaka. Obviously for me this is extremely commendable considering all the difficulties I had with the language, but 87 is pretty admirable for any soldier regardless. This score I now take back with me to the battalion...
So now I am qualified as a soldier of "08" ability, rather than the regular "07" that regular combat soldiers, i.e. non-commanders, reach once they've finished advanced training. Being "08", apart from the obvious result that I can be a class commander, also means that I am trained to execute a number of other procedures in the army, like performing security checks on one's gun and controlling a specific army veichle to name but a few. So what does the future hold for me in the army now that I am "08"? There are a number of different things that could happen to me, but it all settles down to the decision on whether I will be a commander or not. If not, which is a likely possibility due to a number of different cirumstances, then I will return to my mahlaka in the gdud as a 'hapash 08' (meaning a regular soldier who is a qualified commander). Obviously, the goal is to become a commander but by returning as a 'hapash 08', I will be able to keep hold of my rights as a lone soldier, like travelling home for a month in the summer (which I intend on doing), which would in other case be difficult to do as a commander. Tomorrow, when I have my interview with the battalion commander, he will tell me where I am going to be going, most likely I will return to my original company and from there it wil be up to the decision of the company commander. Like I said, it's quite unlikely that I'll get a 'tafkid' (role) as a commander immediately but in the coming months a spot will probably be made available. I will definitely be staying in the 'gdud' (battalion), as opposed to going back to the basic training base, which means that I could be a commander of soldiers in the battalion from a younger draft, like Novemeber '10 or August '10. Even though I'm probably going back to my platoon tomorrow as a regular soldier, becoming 08 means that possibilities are more open for me now. I go back to the battalion tomorrow and will find out everything when I speak to the 'magad' (battalion commander).
No matter what happens tomorrow, I am so happy that I went to 'makim' and I had an amazing experience (what it's all about for me) and I made such a lot of good friends, I would even say they're closest from my whole service. Although I still have a good nine months to go in the army and that becoming 08 potentially means a new type of chapter of my service could start, I sometimes look back at everything I've done as if it were the end and, to be honest, I'm not that far from the end already. Going to commanders' course was never a target of mine before or even once I'd joined the army, for me the Hebrew was always going to be problematic and I always considered myself a lazy soldier within my platoon, as opposed to one who excelled and led others. Despite all this, I got sent to 'makim' and even at the start I was still apprehensive about going, but now, I have to say it was probabaly one of the best things to have happened to me. Like I said, it was an incredible experience, I did things that other soldiers don't get to do and it's something I can keep with me for the rest of my life, as well as helping me in the future, on my C.V. for example. The course has made me a better and more professional soldier, knowing how to handle all the different types of guns, capably navigating at night without a map in the shetach and learning leadership skills can only enhance me as a person, let alone a soldier. Making such good friends has also been a big factor and it's nice to think that I've got friends now from all other the army and not just from tzanchanim. From being in the course, I can defnitely see how all the combat brigades are fantastic and pretty much the same; it's the people in them, these young Israeli boys that make them all so great. Saying that though, I do love it that I went to tzanchanim, being a "yellow, spoilt ashkenazi" definitely suits me and, even though everyone is the same, as I said two seconds ago, tzanchanim is definitely the best and has that special something about it!!!

Two days ago, on thursday, was the final 'tekes' (ceremony) marking the end of course makim. It was a memorable day and monumental event considering I've now finished commanders' course, and, despite not having anyone come to the tekes for me specifically, it was still an emotional day. I'm never embarassed to speak the truth, my mind or what's in my heart on the blog, so accordingly, I can say that there was one moment during the ceremony where I was close to tears. The course itself has been extremely fulfilling in terms of the zionism that I seem to crave but at the tekes, it really hit me that I had reached the point of where I am today. I know I always seem to write how "I can't believe I've come this far... fulfilled my zionist dream... from North London boy to soldier" (!!!) but it's truly what always astounds me and now I am even a qualified combat commander! However, it is more than what I've done that got me at the tekes; instead it was looking around and seeing hundreds of young boys, standing in line as they finish 'makim' with their proud parents looking on that showed me the true meaning of why I came here. The overall commander of 'makim' put it perfectly as he gave us some last couple of words; he said that looking upon all of us made him so proud of Israel and of the Jewish nation, and that he's sure that Israel will forever be protected and will forever have the strongest army in the world, with us as the next generation. It truly reached me and I couldn't agree more as I gazed upon all the great guys who I was standing with at the tekes. I am truly thankful that I was given the opportunity to go to makim and have had this awesome experience.
Tomorrow, like I said, I return to the battalion to find out what is happeneing with me. The battalion is currently based in the Golan heights doing training so it's a long journey (or long sleep should I say) tomorrow morning. I don't know where I'll be, what I'll be doing or when I'll be next home, but I'll be sure to update everything in the next blog.
Some pictures from Thrusday's tekes: